Bioinformatics KMU Class
for 醫學資訊系
Email:; Tel: 07-3121101ext2691
students' homework
update at 20070702
1. class schedule
課程名稱 | 生物資訊 | ||||||||||
開課系級 | 醫療資訊管理學系 3年級 | ||||||||||
上課時間 |
週次 | 月份 | 四 | 上課進度 | 講授者 |
01 | 03 | [01] | 生物資訊簡介(An Overview of Bioinformatics) [講義] | 張學偉 |
02 | 03 | [08] |
生物資訊基本技術-1.網頁製作(frontpage); 2.基因體學概論-How to sequence a genome, Assembly and sequencing of human genomes |
張學偉 |
03 | 03 | [15] | 基礎分子生物(Basic molecular biology) [講義] | 邱建智 |
04 | 03 | [22] | 生物資料庫與軟體簡介 (Introduction of web servers and softwares for bioinformatics) [講義] | 張學偉 |
05 | 03 | [29] | 生物醫學文獻搜尋-NCBI PubMed [講義] | 張學偉 |
06 | 04 | {05} | 放假 | |
07 | 04 | [12] | 序列分析與比對(Sequence Analysis and Homology Search; BLAST–NCBI; UCSC-BLAT) [講義] | 張學偉 |
08 | 04 | [19] | 生物工作平台(Biology WorkBench; Multiple sequence alignment) | 張學偉 |
09 | 04 | (26) | 期中考不上課 | |
10 | 05 | [03] | 蛋白質體學技術簡介 | 邱建智 |
11 | 05 | [10] | 蛋白質資料庫 (Protein database- Swissport; PDB; ExPASy); Motif[Prosite; Pfam; Interpro] [講義] | 張學偉 |
12 | 05 | [17] | 蛋白質體軟體 (Software for Proteomics) (viewer_v502) | 黃弘文 |
13 | 05 | [24] | 資料庫概念 | 楊正宏 |
14 | 05 | (31) | 轉錄體學(Transcriptomics; CGAP; SAGE [講義] ) | 張學偉 |
15 | 06 | [07] | 單核酸基因多型性(SNP - Single Nucleotide Polymophysim) | 張學偉 |
16 | 06 | [14] | 個人化醫學(Personalized medicine) | 張學偉 |
17 | 06 | [21] | Final project- database/software presentation | 張學偉 |
18 | 06 | (28) | 期末考不上課 |
2. tryout software download & example [Non-commercial profits for bioinformatics class]
animation software (powerpoint; flash1; flash2; flash3)
prontpage insert flash--> to show flash in homepage[instruction;demo] (Many programs can insert and perform in this way.)
KMU Web Server ( 上 Counter CGI 的使用; 請注意: 使用時請將 try.dat 改成 "@.dat" [@可以是你自己寫的任何代號], 然後copy到 "記事本",再貼到frontpage的 HTML區即可.
on-line learning BLAST tutorial; BLAST Program Selection Guide; BLAST上課內容 Nucleotide-nucleotide BLAST (blastn); Protein-protein BLAST (blastp); Translated query vs. protein database (blastx); Protein query vs. translated database (tblastn); Translated query vs. translated database (tblastx). BLAST 2 SEQUENCES; materials for blast class: human P53 mRNA seq; Homo sapiens tumor protein p73 mRNA seq; secondary structure term: E= Extented; C = Coiled; H = Helix [terms for secondary structure of protein]
3. Useful links & tools.
BioInformatics Glossary;
Glossary NCBI;
-Omes and -omics
Flash教學網站 1.完整Flash MX影片教學檔; 2.Flash MX 教學論壇; 3.Flash MX 動態網頁教學; 4. 基礎;進階;高階/港音發聲;
4. Bioinformatics Journal list